Parenting Questions for Dr. Mary & Lynn

Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Ed.D and Lynn Jessen MA

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Why You Should Respond FAST to Your Spirited baby

Search the internet and you’ll repeatedly find the advice; Babies must learn to self soothe. To teach self-soothing skills the advisers insist you must WAIT before responding to your infant’s cries. You on the other hand know from experience that if you wait to respond to your spirited baby, she becomes so upset she remains awake for the next hour or more! Your instinct is to respond quickly. Let me explain why your instinct is right on! 

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What To Do If Your Child Quits When The Going Gets Tough

Does your child....

  • Give up quickly when faced with a difficult task.
  • Lash out if something does not go as they hoped or planned.
  • Avoid tough tasks.
  • Refuse to complete tasks, often insisting that they are boring.
  • Become angry when asked to wait or to take turns.
  • Quit when they can’t do something perfectly on the first attempt.

Rather than a behavior problem, lack of motivation or an anger issue, your child may simply be experiencing low frustration tolerance.



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Cold Weather Dressing

Must tears, shouts and snowsuits be synonymous? No, but the secret to happy cooperation is recognizing who you are working with. "Spirited" kids are active, sensitive and intense. To keep things moving along smoothly it is important to plan accordingly.

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Overworked mother

REBOUND After the Holidays

Late bedtimes, disrupted routines, unsolicited advice, too much sugar and CLUTTER from all the gifts bringing you down?  Here are seven steps to help you REBOUND from the post-holiday blues. 

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Raising Your Spirited BabyRaising Your Spirited Child - Parent's Choice Award WinnerMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Raising Your Spirited Child WorkbookMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Kids, Parents and Power StrugglesMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Sleepless in America